Command Prompt Tutorials For Beginners
Command Prompt tutorial









Helluuuu.. (hello) 🙂  friends , how are you ? I hope you are  enjoying yourself with all together.

Today I am going to share my technique with you about  Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd.

If you new in this site I have welcomed to you read this tutorial from this

CMD Tutorials For Beginners (Part-1) How To Create Folder By CMD

ok. now Open Cmd.exe

Just I want to open two text files thoroughly mymeetbook.txt and my meet book.txt that I saved these files on desktop. Notice that, there is no space in the first file name and second file’s name have several spaces.

According to my previous post technique How To Open Files Using cmd , I will try to open these  file one by one. Let’s see what happened .

So, firstly I have to go desktop form my current default directory.

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd

then type file name..such as I wrote mymeetbook.txt


Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd
type mymeetbook.txt

mymeetbook.txt got appeared in new window with noteapad.

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd

After that, I am going to open my meet book.txt. Let’s see what happened.

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd
wrong way

So, If you open to this file, you have to put this file name into inverted coma(” “) .such as here you have to type in this way  “my meet book .txt”. Now let’s try.

type your file name into inverted coma. Here I type “my meet book.txt”

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd
type “my meet book txt”

Now my meet book .txt opened

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd
my meet book text



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In this way, you can open any files. I show you opening media file named  feel the light

So I have to type just

“feel the light”

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd
feel the light

yeah  my video got opened.

Opening file with spaces in Windows by cmd
feel the light.mp4

This is one of the best my favorite song . I couldn’t resist myself to share this video with you.

ops, friends  🙂  !!! Where are you? I think you discovered yourself after listening this song in different world, isn’t right?

Now, you can ask me about this techniques why i don’t mentioned in my previous post How To Open Files Using cmd . but there is a slightly problem. It’s a long tail searching keyword. So  I have decided to write this techniques  in this post  .

ok .Thank you to all.

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♥Keep yourself joyous always. Because it’s really hard to keep yourself to keep joyous  all time. It’s practical, yar..:)  if you don’t agree with me ,then prove it your reverse opinion at my sight.