Command Prompt Tutorials For Beginners
command prompt

It’a simple attempt to give knowledge about Command Prompt (cmd) which remains built in windows.

It’s a chain tutorial. Please stay tune with us and always cheer up yourself with us

Why should learn command prompt:

  • If we want to be a advanced user on windows we should learn command prompt code
  • .We can easily solve windows problem if we have knowledge about cmd.
  • From gaining knowledge from windows , we can easily operate Linux Based System.
  • Hackers can not do anything without command prompt, It might be Linux command shell.

It’s not so hard to learn this. I show you command prompt tutorials for beginners in easy way as far as possible. Let’s have a fun with cmd.

How To Create Folder By CMD

At first, open cmd.exe 

1] Assume that I want to create a new folder on desktop. type

cd desktop

how to create folder by cmd
command prompt cd


here cd means change directory. suppose you are on F want to go C drive. that’s called directory. cd uses for change directory one folder to another folder. Here  “Jon-my computer name” switches to desktop.

2] Now I want to make a new folder, then type

mkdir newfolder


how to create folder by cmd
command prompt mkdir

here , mkdir means create a new folder. when this code finished running we see that a new folder named newfolder is   created.

how to create folder by cmd

3] Now,we have to switch to newfolder directory from desktop to access this folder. So, type

cd newfolder


how to create folder by cmd


Now, we can access this new folder.

4] We want to create a text file in it. So, we have to type this code.


how to create folder by cmd
command prompt file


Here, “cd>”    means create a new file. After running this code ,partho.txt file will be created.

how to create folder by cmd
file created



5] Now, we want to make a subfolder in it. Let’s go. Type:

md partho


how to create folder by cmd
command prompt subfolder


Here, “md” means  create or manage new folder. It’a same code named “mkdir” that we  previously mentioned. Both code’s functioin is same. After running this code, we see a subfolder named “parthofolder” has created.

how to create folder by cmd
command prompt file


6] We can create one more files in this way. such as:

how to create folder by cmd
command prompt file


when we run “md omarfaruk  boss”  two folders are created. Obviously  space are required each others.

how to create folder by cmd
cmd boss file


7] Now,we want to create csv file . Just type this code


how to create folder by cmd
command prompt csv

then we see a csv file

how to create folder by cmd
command prompt csv


In this way we can create a file “name.extension”

8] To change directory  ,you have to change directory step by step.You can not jump over one’s directory. Suppose, If I am now, newfolder directory.

how to create folder by cmd

9] now , I want to go boss folder,Just now I have created.

we have to type to this code.

cd boss

how to create folder by cmd
change directory


now I am on boss folder.

10] Now I can create file in this it. Suppose I want to create ha.txt. type on this subfolder.Just type it.


how to create folder by cmd
command prompt text
how to create folder by cmd
cmd file created


ha.txt file created.

Now , say to me how to return this directory?

11] Assume ,you are now boss directory. You want to go newfolder again. So. type this code


See, you switched back to new folder.

how to create folder by cmd


If you want to go again new directory Just follow from method 8

Now to clear the window type cls command code

how to create folder by cmd
cmd clear screen

Then, Again fresh window comes.

how to create folder by cmd
cmd fresh window

You  can also view this video tutorial. I hope all of you enjoy it.

I think all of you understand this. It’s a chain post.  I am inviting you to view next post.

CMD Tutorials For Beginners (Part-2) How To Edit Files using cmd

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So much love to all lovely readers.