☺Welcome to largest, having unique feature MyMeetBook social site.

♥ Take our most sweetest love among all. We want to share our thoughts and activities through the world. It’s really helpful to increase freedom thoughts as well as business strategy. Social site gives you that feature to do these. Now a days ,every social site has lots of features that you can do it easily.
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Mymeetbook breaks through other site by remaining unique feature that you can not get other’s site.
Mymeetbook one’s of that social site that can give you not only that’s feature which exists popular social sites but also extra feature by which you get comfortable to use.
Mymeetbook team’s motive is not take competition others site .It’s motives only give comfortable structure by which you can lead your life with tension free.
Because of habituated on using facebook, we make it as a facebook structure so that you don’t get trouble to use it.
We have to avouch that we can not compete with largest social site as a facebook but we able to give extra feature that you can not get on facebook. Facebook runs on it’s way but Mymeetbook is running on it’s way of own style. But we have worked hard to make this site got become user friendly.
Feature Of Mymeetbook:
This site has extra feature as well as many advantages.
- Most prominent feature is that you can easily share and upload like as tumblr .
- You can do comments, status, like as a facebook.
- You can upload and share your favorite video.
- You can share your any kind of file (present at max 50 mb)

- Ofcourse, you can make group or page.

- You can verify your page or profile easily

- You can insert your advertisement of your business or website. You can ever insert your advertisement your page or status.

- Not only you can play games but also you upload your favorite games.

- You can customize your page or profile as your wish which you can not get on Facebook.

- You can chat or send sms easily to your friends.

- You can also #hashtag and @Mention.
- At present you can use this site both Bengali and English.
- It has completely responsive design. As a result you can use it directly through your mobile phone.

- You can sign in others social id such as faebook and twiiter or google plus. Yeah!! don’t be afraid. You may think we get password when you sign in or log in. No. Absolutely not. This site secured by API. It secures Id so strong that any admin can not see your password. So you can use it freely.

Others Feature:
- Preview links in post.
- Maintenance mode.
- Custom Error page.
- AJAX: make use of ajax technology to speedup website
- Live chat, Real time Notification, comments
- Photos, Photo Albums: give your members to upload photos with albums
- News Feed: Display posts from people you are following and who you have as friends
- Profile timeline: Display your posts on your personal profile
- Events: Movies, location, Musics, Games, Photos e.t.c
- Share: Share posts from others to your timeline and friends
- #Hashtags: Use #hashtags in your posts, comments e.t.c with all language support New!
- Trending topics: This display what’s hot to your member base on the hottest #hashtags
- Likes: Like posts, pages
- Pages: Create fan page, allow your friends and followers to like it
- Page Roles: Moderators, editors, admins
- Follow: Follow celebrities, popular people to get there messages
- Message System: Send private messages to your friends and also set privacy for who send you message
- Community: Create communities, invite your friends to join, you can create both private and public communities
- Community categories: Create different categories for your community
- Games: Let your members play games, add games, likes games, e.t.c
- @Mention: Mention your friends in a post, or @mention somebody to send a message to the person
- Post with: When you are with your friend, let your other friends know about that when you are posting
- Link Preview: when you post links, details like title, description are pull and displayed
- Invite Friends: Invite friends with there emails, with record, so once they joinm they will be added to your friends list
- Account activation You can prevent bad accounts through verification & Much more…
To register, you have to go https://mymeetbook.com/ .Then you see “Click Here Create An Account”
Next, you have to fill up a form .Then you will get registered.
If you want to know how to register this site by seeing video click this here.
There have many video tutorials that you can find on MyMeetBook.com .
MyMeetBook has own apps. You can browse MyMeetbook from your android . To download this apk please click here. MyMeetBook apk
If you don’t want to use this site, you have a option to delete this account.
Only a simple effort of yours, make us inspired by visiting this site.
♣ If you don’t help us, we can not develop this site or create unique facility. We don’t compete with others we only try to give great our service so that your life become more easier.
♣Please feedback us, find problems, comment us, give message what things make troubled to you, at the time of using Mymeetbook.
Obviously, our dedicated team will try to find a solution or give you instruction to solve your problem.
Our expert team has ability to take any type of challenge in the competitive digital world. So, you can completely rely on ourselves without any tension.
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Use Mymeetbook, remain with ourselves and cheer up yourself with your companion as well as all friends through the world .
He has dedicated this site to his dearest person, his Mother . 🙂 He wants blessings from all from his lovely mother .
♥♥♥ We respect by our attempts to all God dedicated pure lovers as well as Bangladeshi freedom fighter not only at the time of 1971 Liberation War but also who have sacrificed their life to protect country from evils all time.
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Happy Endings….☺
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