Do you want to easily navigate your browser? Do you want to save your time during browsing? Then, It’s only for you. Chrome is one of the most favorite browsers of us. To browse quickly, Chrome has many techniques for easy navigation. Here we are presenting some cool chrome keyboard shortcuts that will make your browsing experience more productive and efficient.

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

Why we need to learn Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts?

In a word, to increase efficiency, to do  work  easily, to save time, to keep focus on work you should learn shortcut.

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts


► Chrome Browser Window Shortcuts:

In this section, we discuss about how to open and close chrome browser .

  • Ctrl + N – Open a new window
    Ctrl + Shift + N – Open a new window in incognito mode (Pages viewed in incognito mode won’t show in browser history or search history. They also won’t leave cookies or other traces)
    Alt + F4 – Close the current window
    Shift + Click on link – Open the link in a new window

Chrome Tab Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Click on link – Open link in a new tab in the background
    Ctrl + Shift — Click on link – Open the link in a new tab and switch to the newly opened tab
    Ctrl + T – Open a new tab
    Ctrl + Shift + T – Reopen the last tab that was closed
    Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 – Switch to the tab at the specified position
    Ctrl + 9 – Switch to the last tab
    Ctrl + Tab – Switch to the next tab
    Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp – Switch to the previous tab
    Backspace – Go to the previous page in your browsing history for the tab
    Shift + Backspace – Go to the next page in your browsing history for the tab
  • Ctrl + W – Close the current tab or pop-up
    Alt + Home – Go to your homepage in the current tab
    Ctrl + Click the Back Arrow, Forward Arrow, or Go button – Open destination in a new tab in the background
    Drag a link to a tab – Open the link in the tab
    Drag a link to a blank area on the tab strip – Open the link in a new tab
    Drag a tab out of the tab strip – Open the tab in a new window
    Drag a tab out of the tab strip and into an existing window’s tab strip – Open the tab in the existing window
    Press ESC while dragging a tab – Return the tab to its original position

► Chrome Webpage Shortcuts:

This section is about how to manage windows task easily such as bookmarks, search functions, utilities, and more.

  • Ctrl + P – Print the current page
    Ctrl + S – Save the current page
    Ctrl + O – Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome
    F5 – Reload the current page
    Esc – Stop page loading
    Ctrl + F5 – Reload the current page (ignore cached content)
    Ctrl + D – Bookmark the current webpage
    Ctrl + Shift + D – Save all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder
  • Alt + Click on link – Download link
    Ctrl + F – Open the search box
    F3 – Find the next match for your input in the search box
    Shift + F3 – Find the previous match for your input in the search box
    F11 – Open page in full screen mode
    Ctrl + +     – Make the text larger
    Ctrl + –     – Make the text smaller
    Ctrl + 0 – Return text to normal size
  • Ctrl + Shift + B – Toggle the bookmarks bar
    Ctrl + H – View the History page
    Ctrl + J – View the Downloads page
    Shift + Esc – View the task manager
    Ctrl + Shift + Delete – Open the Clear Browsing Data Dialog
    F1 – Open the Help Center in a new tab
    Ctrl + U – View page source code

► Chrome Address Bar Shortcut

This shortcut is about for improving searching functionality by chrome . This shortcut techniques  is familiar to all.

  • Type a search term, then press Enter – Perform a search using your default search engine.

Suppose, I want to search terms of MyMeetbook . then just write down mymeetbook and press ENTER .

You will find related search terms of mymeetbook. MyMeetBook is aa social networking site like as facebook,twitter. You can check it out for full review.

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts
Type a search engine URL, then press TAB, type a search term, and press Enter – Perform a search using search engine associated with the URL

It’s so easy . Suppose I want to go directly  just put url on browser and press ENTER .

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts


Ctrl + Enter after typing base web address – Automatically add ‘www’ and ‘.com’ what you have typed in the address bar and open that web address.

If I want to go mymeetbook , so I need not to write full name including www or com . In this way , just put mymeetbook name and press ctrl+ENTER . Browser  automatically add www and or domain.

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts
F6 – Highlight address bar contents.

If you bookmark any link , it highlights on this link .

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts


Type a web address then Alt + Enter – Open web address that appears in the address bar in a new tab

By this way, when you type any link that appears your next tab. Just it.

Ctrl + K – Initiate a Google search with the address bar. After typing the shortcut key, a ‘?’ will appear in the address bar. Type your query then press Enter.

Ctrl + Right Arrow – Jump to the next word in the address bar
Ctrl + Backspace – Delete the previous word in the address bar
Select an entry from the drop down menu in the address bar, then press Shift — Delete – Delete the entry from the browsing history
Click an entry in the address bar drop down list with the Middle Mouse Button – Open that URL in a new tab

Chrome Mouse Shortcuts:

Middle click on link – Open the link in a new tab in the background
Shift + Middle click on link – Open the link in a new tab and switch to the newly opened tab
Middle click on tab – Close the tab
Click the Back Button, Forward Arrow, or Go button with Middle Mouse Button – Open destination in a new tab in the background
Shift + Scroll Wheel – Scroll horizontally
Ctrl + Scroll Wheel – Increase or decrease text size.

Don’t need to be worried. By practicing you can easily remember all technique .:P 😀

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

After that when you learn all the shortcut , you feel like a boss . B|

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

That’s it. :Cool:


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